Online Therapy for Therapists

As clients, the therapists I work with often come into therapy struggling to fully allow themselves to be supported and nurtured without feeling self-conscious that they should “know better” as therapists themselves, which may lead to difficulty relaxing fully into therapy and getting the support and healing they deserve. 

Therapy may be for you if: 

You’ve struggled in past therapy with feeling responsible for managing the therapy process, tracking the clinical interventions used in sessions, or feeling a need to prove yourself clinically to your therapist

A part of you feels like a fraud providing support to your clients when inside you feel overwhelmed by painful emotions, insecurity about your relationships, and doubts about whether or not you were cut out for this profession

You’re really good at making others feel safe, comfortable, and relaxed, but you’re still learning how to provide this to yourself

You’re not always sure where personal issues end and professional issues begin

You hold yourself to a higher standard than you hold others to

Aren’t I supposed to know better?

Maybe you feel lonely-you don’t want to reveal how scared or stressed out you feel to other therapists for fear of judgment, but those outside the profession don’t fully get it.   

The same sensitivity and well of empathy that make you great at doing your job makes you feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and irritated. Perhaps you’ve convinced yourself that feeling chronically drained and on edge is just the nature of this profession.

The challenges that show up at work mimic the ones in your personal life: guilt for saying no, deep fear of disappointing others, existential dread, and chronic insecurity if you’re “doing it right.”   

An evocative blend of violet and blue gases intertwining, symbolizing the intricate emotional landscape surrounding body image. This abstract image captures the complex feelings and inner turmoil many may experience, inviting reflection and understanding in our journey towards self-acceptance and compassion.
An evocative blend of violet and blue gases intertwining, symbolizing the intricate emotional landscape surrounding body image. This abstract image captures the complex feelings and inner turmoil many may experience, inviting reflection and understanding in our journey towards self-acceptance and compassion.
An image of a young woman reclining on a cozy couch, her expression serene and contemplative. As she gazes thoughtfully into the distance, this picture embodies the essence of introspection and tranquility, resonating with the theme of maximizing therapy even in moments of quiet reflection.

You deserve better.

I offer therapist clients a space in which they can fully release any sense of responsibility to be the expert or caretake (which may feel like second nature), while honoring the professional knowledge, skills, and experience you possess.   

I provide therapist clients with a soft place to land where your full self is welcomed. I deeply cherish my therapist clients’ powerful emotional range, hunger to understand human nature, and tendency towards introspection, and know that when harnessed correctly, these can be incredible resources to aid your healing process.

Clients who work with me tend to feel more ‘at home’ in themselves, a greater sense of trust in their own abilities, and develop increased confidence and courage.  

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